Eastland-Fairfield offers all of the academic courses needed to achieve their graduation requirements and earn college credit along the way!
Academic Services

Eastland-Fairfield provides academic supports to ensure that our students have all the tools necessary to be successful in the classroom, lab, and life. Find or learn more about the supports that are available at our campuses.


Media Centers
Our high school campuses are equipped with libraries of books and resources to support student learning and growth.

Intervention Services
Eastland-Fairfield offers a wide range of special needs services to ensure student success.
This page is under construction. Speak with your student's counselor or social worker for details.

Other Available Services
Academic and Technical Tutors
Resource Classes
Student Learning Center
SMART labs
* Contact your school counselor if you are in need of these services.
Eastland-Fairfield does not provide special education services to students enrolled in its satellite programs. However, arrangements are made between the home school and the program site.

Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) that students and staff can access assignments and other program coursework.

Keep track of your grades and progress, or update important family information through our student information system (SIS), ProgressBook.
If you are having difficulties logging into your ProgressBook account, please email csalberg@efcts.us.

College Credit Plus
College Credit Plus (CCP) is offered through courses at EFCTS. To participate Intent to Participate forms must be summitted to their career center guidance office by April 1.

Adult Workforce Programming
If you are in need of additional training, a different path, or an alternative to traditional college, explore Eastland-Fairfield's adult training options.